How To Freeze Dry Apple Pie Filling
Jul 6, 2023
Did you know that the Egyptians call aloe vera the “plant of immortality?” It’s because this marvelous plant can live and even bloom without soil. Aloe vera comes from the Arabic word “Alloeh”, which aptly describes the plant: shinning, bitter substance. We tasted it once pure from the plant, and the slimy bitterness is something we don’t look forward to eating again.
That bitterness is caused by aloe latex, a golden yellow substance that works as a laxative. Some include this in processing, while others remove it. This is important to note when you buy freeze-dried aloe vera, especially if you have a latex allergy.
Cleopatra isn’t obsessed with this plant over nothing. It’s part of her beauty regimen because it contains 75 potentially active compounds that promote beauty and health in many ways.
Aloe vera is an excellent source of Vitamin A, C, E, beta-carotene, folic acid, calcium and magnesium. These compounds promote a youthful, glowing, healthy appearance.
Studies have shown that these compounds in this plant are also helpful in easing dryness, itchiness, and flakiness in psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. In addition, its soothing relief helps in healing minor burns, skin abrasions, sores, and even acne.
Because of the 75 active compounds, aloe vera is one of the superfoods that can help regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
These are the reasons why it’s used as an ingredient for cosmetics, topical medicines, and processed for tasty health drinks. Unfortunately, thick as the leaf may be, this spiky herb doesn’t store well. It can last for 2 days at room temperature, a week in your fridge, and a year in the freezer. So the best way to stock on this wonderful plant is to have it freeze-dried. If you’re wondering where you can buy freeze dried aloe vera, then here are some suggestions for you.
Dessert harvest claims that the capsules contain the highest concentration of organically-grown freeze-dried aloe vera. These capsules are made from pure aloe, meaning you get none of the aloe laxative.
Their patented freeze-drying and purifying methods retain all the potent nutrients that help you maintain balance in your body. A lot of people were happy with the result they got and were able to hit their health goals thanks to this.
If you prefer to make your own products, then try Terra-Pure’s non-preserved freeze-dried aloe vera powder. It’s made from 100% Aloe Barbadensis and can be used in cosmetics, food, and beverages, as well as over-the-counter medications.
The company also uses organically grown leaves of the plant, with the filets rinsed to remove aloin. Then, they’re ground and run through a filtration system before undergoing heat treatment.
It’s BSE/TSE-free, GMO-free, pesticide-free, and didn’t undergo animal testing.
Aside from freeze-dried aloe vera, Intimate Rose also has D-mannose. It’s a type of monosaccharide naturally found in fruits and commonly marketed as a dietary supplement.
This capsule is specially formulated to help soothe bladder and urinary tract in women. It promotes the relief of symptoms of interstitial cystitis, painful bladder syndrome, and UTI.
Women describe this as a game-changer for managing bladder pain. One also said this supplement helped “calm” their stomach, and she’s now able to eat without stomach upset.
What’s great about capsules is they help you get your internal dose of the herb minus the slimy mouth feel and bitterness.
Pharm-Aloe uses decolorized, and organic aloe vera juice extracts with added elements of magnesium stearate and Hypromellose. Although it’s costly, they do help people maintain their health.
One said their gut feels healthier, and another said it was able to help heal their stomach from the effects of antibiotics. The capsules were also able to help with healing a customer’s bladder and ease heartburn.
If you want to buy aloe vera powder in bulk for your personal supply or other health/beauty brand, this is for you. From Nature With love offers this up to 1lb of powder.
There are no reviews about it, though, both on the website and out. The advantage we saw here is that it’s a good brand to go to if you’re in the business of making your own products.
Making your own freeze dried aloe vera is a messy, slimy business. You also have to be careful with the latex in the plant if you have sensitivity issues. It’s easy to do if you have your Harvest Right freeze dryer, yes. But if you don’t want to deal with the slimy mess, then you’re better off buying freeze-dried aloe vera.
The good thing is you have choices. You can go for powders if you want the advantage of versatility. Tables or capsules are also there for you if you don’t want to deal with the taste. It’s really up to you where you want to go with it.
What’s got you interested in freeze-dried aloe vera? Let us know in the comment section.
Also, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for freeze-drying tips and updates.
Jul 6, 2023
Jul 4, 2023
Jul 3, 2023