How To Freeze Dry Apple Pie Filling
Jul 6, 2023
Many freeze-drying guides out there will tell you that oily food can’t be freeze-dried because oil doesn’t freeze well. But after a bit of research, we found a video of how to freeze dry peanut butter, and it worked well!
Here’s what you need to make your own freeze-dried peanut butter:
Always go for an air-tight container that will keep moisture away.
One of the popular options is to store freeze-dried peanut butter in Mylar bags. They’re air-tight, the least expensive, and won’t take up a lot of space. You can seal the bag with an impulse sealer or even just a hot/flat iron.
Another is #10 cans, but you might need to invest in a can sealer.
How to use freeze-dried peanut butter
Reconstituting freeze-dried peanut butter is easy but does take some care.
Add a bit of warm (not hot) water slowly until you get the consistency of regular peanut butter. Add a bit of water at a time, whisking or mixing each time you go.
Depending on how dry your freeze-dried peanut butter will be, you may need to add more or less.
It’s best practice to start with less as it’s easier to add more water than it is to add more freeze-dried peanut butter.
You can use this to make peanut butter spread for a quick snack.
If you’re feeling adventurous, you can add it to Asian sauces and bring in an exotic taste to your dishes.
You can also try baking with it. Just adjust the measurements accordingly on both wet and dry ingredients since the freeze-dried peanut butter doesn’t have any moisture.
Because of the oil level of the peanut butter, it can last for more than 5 years, but not up to 10 years. Not too many people have tried this yet because of the high-fat content. If you want to try it out, it’s best to start with a small batch and see if it can last for months stored in air-tight containers.
Just keep in mind to keep moisture out as it can shorten the lifespan of your freeze-dried peanut butter.
Were you able to try this out? Do share your method on how to freeze dry peanut butter in the comment section.
Jul 6, 2023
Jul 4, 2023
Jul 3, 2023
Great information.
Thanks very much
Take care and be safe
Thanks, Frank, appreciate your kind words. You’re most welcome, hope we could help you more with your freeze-drying projects.